
     Technology in the classroom can be a wonderful aid in teaching mathematical concepts to students. Technology can act as a terrific motivator and engagement tool that can peak a child's innate sense of curiosity and wonder. Not only that but technology should be used as an actual effective teaching tool and assessment based tool in order for students to learn and demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. Thus, technology can be an essential part of the classroom as it allows teachers to more easily differentiate for their students based on their individual needs and ways in which they learn best.

     For example, some potential technologies that may be used in the Kindergarten classroom may include, using iPads and Apps such as Splash Math. Splash Math is a curriculum aligned app that caters to grades K-5 in developing math skills in the number sense and numeration, measurement, and geometry strands. The app adapts to each child's learning needs based on their progress in the game and the app provides teachers with weekly reports on how each student is progressing in order to aid in differentiated instruction based on knowing where each student is in their learning.


Splash Math. (2017). Splash Math Kindergarten App. [Online Images]. Retrieved from 

     Smartboard technology (if available) is a great piece of technology that can aid in teaching mathematical concepts to students in Kindergarten as it allows them to take part in their own learning. For example, students can work in pairs to complete various math-based games and activities on a Smartboard. For teachers, the Smartboard is a great way to align visuals with what mathematical concepts they are teaching, as the Smartboard software, Notebook can incorporate both online images and also a video with the slideshows that may be created. Not only that but 3-D models, and math tools such as an abacus, number line, pattern blocks, Venn diagrams, and various shapes can be displayed to provide students with a visual understanding of various math concepts.

     Software programs such as Kid Pix can be used in the Kindergarten classroom as well. This particular software allows students to experiment in a variety of ways including stamping numbers and pictures, creating or extending a pattern, demonstrating knowledge of addition facts, experimenting with data collection, measuring, using domino sets to make numbers, or practice counting by connecting dots (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2006, p. 33-34). 

     Educational television shows are also useful in teaching math concepts and engaging students. One such show is NumberJacks. NumberJacks is an early childhood television show that is based on characters that are numbers. The show is a great way to reinforce mathematical concepts especially number sense and numeration concepts.

     StoryBots is yet another children's television show that teaches various educational content from science to mathematics. By using catchy songs, the show quickly grabs students' attention and interest in math concepts, which is important, as creating a positive attitude towards math is the first step in leading toward math inquiry and the ability to recognize math in multiple contexts outside of a math instructional block.

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The Math Classroom Environment

     In the Kindergarten classroom, mathematics can be everywhere. Students engage in constant inquiry-based and play-based learning which i...